
Basic photography tips (that people usually ignore)

No built-in flashes please

If you don't have a tripod, buy one. If you're not a pro, it doesn't have to be large. A mid-sized or even a small one will do and could be mounted on a chair or table if necessary. And if there's no way you can get the tripod, the same chair or table could help you proceed as described below.

Even for posed photos, people usually use the built-in flash of their digital cameras when the scene is too dark. But since the photo is posed, a better option would be to turn the camera to manual mode, select a longer exposure time and use a tripod instead of the built-in flash.

The longer exposure time is necessary so that more light can pass through the lens and the picture therefore won't look dark. But exposure times lower than 1/60 seconds usually yield shaken photos due to the movement of pressing the button, or even due to your breathing. So the tripod and the camera timer should be used.

Yes, the camera timer. Every digital camera I've seen or heard of has a timer. Check your camera's manual to learn how to use this function. The good news is that once you've learned how to use it, you can press the button, run to join the rest of the group and appear in the picture too.

Ok, the people posing for the picture would have to hold their position a bit longer, but usually it won't take more than a few seconds. It wouldn't hurt.

But if you really want the credits for that great photo, don't join the group you're photographing. It would be hard to convince people you're the photographer if you're one of the smiling faces in the picture!

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