
Hello, world!

Hi, I'm Angelo, a journalist and photographer from Brazil. This is more of a trial version of a blog than an official thing. I'm still to find out whether I'll have the enthusiasm (and the time) to maintain a blog on a regular basis. Anyway, It's about the things I like most: jounalism, photography, a bit of music... and maybe economics (the dark side)!

Most of my photographic material online is at Flickr (flickr.com/photos/angelodeassis). I think it better stays there, but I'll post some photos here as well. Here I can write more about each one of them -- what I felt when I was taking the picture, why I chose that subject in particular, the circunstances when I was shooting, etc.

This first photo, I call it "Green and blue". I like it because I didn't expect it to be so good. The blue flower was photographed in Garça, a small town in the state of Sao Paulo. Hope you like it too.

That' it for the moment. Hopefully I'll find the time to post new material every now and then!

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